Legacy products

Here are some of the products that Mica Technologies has worked on in the past that were simply concepts or abandoned projects that have never really reached the light of day.

Virtual Desk

Our very 1st product that we ever worked on, Virtual Desk is an open source office suite started in early February of 2013 that was delayed several years pushed all the way up to 2016 for the initial first time targeted release date that took full advantage of the Microsoft .NET framework and was written fully in C#. It even utilized a Microsoft Office styled ribbon library to make it look and feel as close to Microsoft Office as possible. Virtual Desk never seen the light of day, merely because there already was an infiltration of so many other open source and commercial office suites already on the market and that the name was way too unprofessional for an office suite anyways. It even contained 3 utilities being Write, Present and Sheets, sorta in a WPS or iWork kind of way with only 3 simple utilities to choose from and nothing else to bog down your productivity workflow.


After we all learned a bit more about coding on the Windows platform, we then decided to make a Task Manager like clone called Utilitize, the Swiss Army Knife of just about anything you can do on your computer running Windows, all in a simplistic Control Panel like layout with everything on a separate Windows Form. Initial work was prototyped in October 2012 then it was started in December of 2012 with an early beta release in March of 2013 which was then delayed till January 2014 after a horrific computer smashing incident. Further work was continued in March 2015 to prep for Windows 10 but then it was later scrapped almost instantaneously after we realized that Windows development wasn't feasible to do anymore and after Mica Technologies went on another hiatus. Now as Spring 2020 comes on by, Utilitize now gets reborn in a classic edition for Windows with all the functionality as before and a new modern version for macOS and Linux that will be coming sometime soon in the near future that is now in the works, mostly moving forward with macOS and Linux development for now on with Windows being an exception only for Utilitize Classic, which was also short lived for a few months with a few updates till it got scrapped in October 2020.

Another cool thing about what makes Utilitize so special is that at one time it was named Mica System Center which sadly clashes with Microsoft's own System Center. Even a fully customized version of Utilitize was even made for Alex's uncle called Mica Control Panel on the 1st ever Windows computer we ever serviced and built all by ourselves. Utilitize is also now known as Informa as we decided to rename it as of October 2020, where the legacy of Utilitize will continue in a whole new way than what we previously imagined.


Also started in February of 2013, SmartBrowser was going to be an open source WebKit/Chromium based browser that was originally written in VB.NET that never took off and reached the light of day. It was merely a concept that originally was going to have a Ubuntu Unity like UI and other interesting layouts no other browser had at the time. It probably won't come back any day soon as we have no plans right now to develop any web browsers for the time being.


A simple text editor that also was started around February 2013. Interest in it slowly went away right after initial programming had started as it was a simple VB.NET RichTextBox control with nothing else in it, mostly how Window's Notepad or the Mac's TextEdit had. It may come back one day eventually as a quite powerful text editor to surpass what Atom, Sublime Text and even Notepad++ has, this time more hackable and more modular with tons of flexibility for any programmer's or tinker's needs.

Mica OS

First started in February 2013, Mica OS was going to be another Ubuntu based Linux distro with nothing too flashy, mostly having the stock Unity 7 desktop that was present back in the day with a few wallpaper and theme tweaks here and there. Right after creation, it never showed the light of day as it had been on and off the planning board for quite a while and seeing how hard it is to make and maintain a full fledged Linux distro from scratch. As of late 2019, interest is slowly building up again on the overall scope of the project, this time basing it off of Manjaro that is also based on the widely popular and highly tinkered Arch Linux, then going back to making it as a Ubuntu based distro in October of 2020. As we are still a bit undecided on what will be going on with the actual project moving forward, more details for sure will be shared in the near future.


After lots of complaints with cooling fans getting lots of gunk in them and out of mere curiously of tinkering around the vast API calls from the Win32 API, a little utility written in March of 2013 that never really existed had to be made, all consisting of a little button that does the job on cleaning the gunk out of your cooling fans. It was easy to code at first but it ended up taking a lot of time trying to find the Win32 API calls to access and control the system's cooling fans directly and after finding out that certain PC makers only used some but not all of this functionality as it simply became yet another abandoned project on the list.